Original Bottle Design – The Outlaw – Now Available

After a few days of much needed leisure and sunshine in the desert, I was excited to return to work to find a package from Italy on my doorstep. These are the first-ever glass samples of the Outlaw (750 and 375ml) – an original bottle design for the American Spirits market by David Cole Creative, produced by high-end glass maker Vetroelite.
While an actual order hasn’t yet been placed, it’s looking like the opportunity to be the first distiller in the world to use this bottle might already be gone. However, there is still ample room in regional markets to be the first with this particular shape with plenty of time before we start seeing this as a common fixture on liquor store shelves everywhere. Feedback has been very positive all over the country, and expectations are high that this will become a popular model to fill the niche for which it was intended (more about that on the blog).
As for that distiller who did get the jump on this one, I’m happy to be developing label designs for them myself – and the whiskey itself sounds very promising, by the way. Look for updates on that project as things develop and become public.
For now, here are some quick pics of the first production units for The Outlaw showing two 375ml units (one filled) and a 750ml as well.